rmda's sbwthk album on Photobucket

星期二, 十一月 23, 2010

说说吉祥物-斑彩螺 (Ammonite)


在宇宙万物中,螺形是一个宇宙符号,象征吉祥、和谐,而“太极圈”也来自宇宙螺旋的意念,因此螺的化石被视为蕴含极多螺旋信号的吉祥物。 斑彩螺是海底的活螺化石,乃上天七千万年前赐予人类的宝物。它吸纳天地灵气,具有七重鲜艳的色彩,每一种颜色开发人体的特定轮位,让其潜能获得充分发挥。


The conch of an ammonite harnesses a unique shape that symbolises luck and harmony. Ammonites, fossiled 70 million years ago often, lived directly above seafloor waters. It has absorbed the essence of heaven and earth and possesses seven layers of vibrant colours, each activating the specific chakras of the human body, enabling the hidden potentials to be adequately displayed.

Ammonite balances the five elements’ energies- Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. Thus helps to create a comfortable feeling and also functions as a means of gathering more wealth with the help of the spiral. The spiral, in addition, symbolises only an entrance and no getaway of wealth in this case. The ammonite can be used as a protective lucky charm to dispel negative energies, increase judgment and ignite creativity.

星期六, 十一月 20, 2010



星期四, 十月 28, 2010

“So what is Blessing Lantern?”


So what is Blessing Lantern?
In Chinese, we address it as Ping An Deng (requesting for Blessing thru-out the Year平安燈), Fu Gui Deng (requesting for Prosperity富貴燈), Guang Ming Deng (requesting for Smoothness & Brightness光明燈) or Chang Shou Deng (request for Healthy & Longevity長壽燈), such titles are being addressed according to what Oneself requested or wish to request. Usually such Lanterns come in Red Rounded form with Nice pattern being printed on it, after hanging up onto the Roof of the Temple, the Lantern will stay there for a Year.

During the Lighting of the Blessing Lantern, a Priest or the Person-in-charge will write the Name of Oneself or the whole Family onto the Lantern and upon completion, the Lantern will be bring forward to the Main Altar of the Temple and the Priest or Person-in-charge will assist the Devotees in making the Reporting & Requesting.

So for such Lighting of Blessing Lantern, does it really help?
Frequently speaking, Yes, it does help certain People, especially for those who didn’t make any form of Un-necessary & Realistic requests.

And of cos, the Temple/place that Oneself choose to light the Blessing Lantern also play a part in the making of the Requesting/Wish comes True.

So what type of Temple/Place Oneself can go for the Lighting of such Blessing Lanterns?
In Singapore, there are quite a number of Temples/Places that provide such services, but due to the Energies & Activities that take place in the Temples/Places, for some people, after they lighted the Blessing Lanterns, more issues happen rather then Blessings being bestowed upon them.

1 Oneself shall try to avoid Temples/Places that conduct Consultation Sessions by Mediums
2 Temples/Places with Main Deities which are Heavenly Deities and not Nether World Deities
3 Oneself shall try to avoid Temples/Places with Ancestral Halls being set-up
4 Oneself shall try to avoid Temples/Places that don’t allow Devotees to be present while the Lantern is being hang-up
5 Temples/Places with Priest or Person-in-charge doing the Reporting & Requesting while hanging of the Lantern

So what are the items that needed to prepare before going for the Lighting of Blessing Lantern?
Oneself need not worry on the items to prepare or buy. Usually when you are at the Temple/Place, they will prepare the Necessary Offerings for you to do the Honouring to the Deities.

Best is, remember to wear RED while going for such Lighting of Blessing Lanterns.

So usually how much does such Blessing Lanterns cost?
Normally such Blessing Lanterns’ cost can be range from S$10 – S$38 per Lantern, if the cost of the Lantern goes beyond S$50, then I will advise you all not to purchase it, cos usually such Temples/Places are using the Lantern to earn extra Commercial Value/Money.

So in Singapore, where can Oneself Light the Blessing Lantern?
As mentioned above, there are quite a number of Temples/Places that perform such Lighting of Blessing Lanterns for Devotees, but remember not to get Con.
Look for Temples with Main Deities which are Heavenly Deities.
Here are a few that Oneself can consider for the Lighting of the Blessing Lanterns for Geng Yin Year:

1 Sembawang Tian Hou Temple (三巴旺天后宮) – Admiralty Street (Woodlands Ave 10)
2 Tuas Pek Kong Temple (大士伯公宮) – 118 Boon Lay Drive (besides the Hawker Center)
3 Telok Blangah Tee Kong Temple (萬壽山天公廟) – Telok Blangah Height (besides Block 45)

Last of ALL, Long Shan Men will like to wish ALL of you, having a Joyous Lunar New Year ahead, everything is Smooth & everyone is enjoying Brightness in their Life.





星期二, 九月 28, 2010




湄洲女的服装,上身是蓝色和红色搭配的斜襟大布衫,下面是红黑两截拼成的裤子。相传这是妈祖生前最喜欢的装束,由于妈祖常年在海上,红色的裤子被海水打湿成黑色,久而久之就演变成现在红黑的样式。 据当地人说,蓝色比喻大海,红黑分别象征吉祥与思念。




星期一, 五月 10, 2010

2010年5月6日 妈祖诞

2010年5月3日 晚报 三巴旺天后宫庆祝天后圣母千秋

文/秋菱 摄影/ 吴伟国





答谢神恩 善信反应热烈











星期六, 五月 01, 2010

Sbwthk Celebration 2010

Sembawang Tian Ho Keng, dedicating to Ma Zu , will be having a 6 Days Celebration at the Temple compound
starting from 04 May till 09 May 2010 

For those who are interested, please do drop by to join in this Joyous Celebration .

Thank you

星期二, 四月 06, 2010




但是,中国的朋友向我投诉:“你能再设个网页吗?http://sbwthk.blogspot.com/ 我们开不了啊!”。


星期二, 三月 02, 2010





星期五, 二月 05, 2010


五色线是佛教開運寶物 - 五色象徵如來佛的五種法門:信、進、念、定、慧。
道教 - 五色代表:木、火、土、金、水五行。
风水玄学 - 五色代表青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武和黄龙。以及東、西、南、北、中五方。
佛經 - 五色代表著金剛界的五佛,1.阿彌陀佛、2.寶生佛、3.不空成就佛、4.阿閃佛、5.大日如來佛,五方大佛的佛光照射,可得金剛五方大佛護身。
大悲心陀羅尼經 - 觀世音菩薩告訴大梵王:「先誦持大悲咒五遍,並取五色線,合成一條繩索,再誦大悲咒二十一遍,有不可思議的神妙功效。」
民间相信五色线代表 - 1健康与智慧;2桃花运跟人际关系,及对外发展能量;3不动产的好运气;4名气与散发在外面的能量,还有事业;5财运。



星期四, 一月 14, 2010











媽祖 (韓寶儀主唱)


Mazu and Mazu Culture

Over 1,000 years ago, a beautiful young girl by the name of Lin Mu was born at the Xianliang Port of Meizhou Bay in Putian, Fujian Province. Clever, brave and kind-hearted, Lin Mu could forecast the weather and was happy to help fishermen in distress at sea. She encouraged the people to conquer nature and defeat evil, so she was much loved and esteemed by the people in her hometown. Unfortunately she died an early death at only 28. As the legend goes, she ascended to heaven and became an immortal at Meizhou Bay located opposite to the Xianliang Port.

For more over 1,000 years, she has been living, with a composed and tender smile, in the hearts of the people. The people pay homage to her, respectfully calling her fairy, the daughter of dragon, goddness, the mother or Mazu ( a title of respect for an aged woman): rulers of past dynasties upheld her and granted her the titles of "Lady", "Heavenly Queen" and "Holy Mother"; the times have bestowed her a series of loveable and respected names such as "Goddess of the Sea", "Goddness of the the Straits" and "Goddess of Peace of the Straits".
She is none other than the world-renowned Mazu, goddess of the sea, of Fujian, China.
The respect for Mazu has turned into a wide-spread belief with the passage of time. Following the footprints of sea merchants and overseas Chinese, Mazu went out of Putian, out of Fujian and out of China, making her presence in many corners of Asia, America, Australia and Europe. Consequently, over 1,500 Mazu temples are found all over the world, where Muzu from Meizhou are consecrated. The belief in Mazu has become a sort of transnational folk belief with more than 100 million worshippers. However, different from a religion in the ordinary sense, is a special kind of ideology connected with theology, religion, folklore, sociology as well as the history of sea commnication overseas Chinese, culture and the development of Fujian and Taiwan. This is the culture of Mazu which has aroused an extensive interest and great attention of Chinese and foreign scholars and is now under integral part of the culture of the Chinese nation and a part of the brilliant civilization of China.

In recent years, there are a number of academic groups, experts and scholars working on research of Mazu and published special works on the subject in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions and in such countries as Japan, the United States, France, Singapore and Malaysia. The research on the Mazu culture has a great appeal and cohesive force to the Chinese both at home and abroad. Now the achievements in the research on the Mazu culture have become valuable material in the research on the history of navigation, science, overseas Chinese, development of off-shore islands and economic and cultural exchanges with foreign countries as well as the history of folklore and religion of ancient China.

在新加坡追寻天后圣母妈祖的足迹(Mazu @ Singapore)



天福宫(Tian Hock Keng)158 Telok Ayer Street

粤海清庙 (Wak Hai Cheng Beo)30B Philip Street

琼州天后宫 (Hainan Hui Guan) 47 Beach Road

福州会馆 (Fu Zuo Clay Association)
21 Tyrwhitt Road

林氏大宗祠九龙堂家族自治会 239 Cantonment Road

新加坡潮州西河公会 285 River Valley Road

云峰天后庙 (Yun Feng Tian Hou Miao) 8a Ang Mo Kio Street 44

星洲金榜山亭天后宫 (Kampong San Teng Tien How Assn) 99 Sim Ming Ind Estate Sector B

保赤宫(陈氏宗祠)15 Magazine Rd

新加坡三和会馆 409 Jalan Besar

南洋莆田会馆 兴安天后宫 25 Geylang Road

木山圣母宫(Bak Sua Siah Boon Temple) 21 Bangkit Rd

圣母宫 Blk 95 Henderson Road

廣應宫 (Guang Ying Gong) Bt Purmei

金合发联谊社 (Jin He Fa Lian Yi She) Upp Hokkien Street

圣莲宫 (Sheng Lian Gong) Telok Blangah Cres

济正堂 (Ji Zeng Tang) Blk 159 Ang Mo Kio

西河别墅(Sai Ho Piat Su)777 Upp S'goon Rd

半港天后宫(Ban Kang )80 Rivervale Crescent Sengkang New Town

慈悲妈祖宫 (Ci Bei Ma Zu Gong) Blk 116 Pending Rd

后港万天府 (Wan Tian Fu) Blk 686 Hougang St 61

灵慈行宫(Ling Ci Xing Gong) 53 Truro Road

善德宫(Shun De Gong) Geylang Lor 29

天后庙 (Tian Hou Miao) Geylang Bahru

善兴坛 (Shan Xing Tan) 蔡厝港联合殿

钟头宫 (Zhong Tou Gong) 109C Hougang Ave 5

天德圣庙 (Tian De Sheng Miao)

吉山庙 (Ji Shan Miao)

紫云开吉宫 (Zi Yun Kai Ji Gong)

勇义宫 (Yong Yi Gong) 1116A Serangoon Rd

善莲堂 (Shang Lian Tang) 28 Admiralty Street

玉皇殿(Jade Emperor Temple ) Havelock Road

汕头社天后庙(Swatow Sia Mazu Temple)5 Geylang Lorong 40











妈祖灵签 有求必应 心诚则灵

妈祖灵签 有求必应 心诚则灵




