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星期日, 一月 21, 2007


妈祖信仰 始於一千多年前的福建莆田湄洲屿,妈祖原名林默,是晋朝福建晋安郡王林禄的廿二世孙女。由于初生到弥月,都不曾啼哭,故名默娘 。根据史料记载,她生於北宋建隆元年(公元960年)农历三月廿三日,卒於宋太宗雍熙四年(公元987年)农历九月初九日。妈祖生前温顺善良,聪明异常,能卜吉凶,经常为人消灾治病,行善济世。许多人都曾目睹妈祖驾云渡於海上,升化后的妈祖还经常显灵救人,种种的神迹和传说不胫而走,百姓称奇,奔走相告,民间纷纷为她建立祠庙,从而奠定了民间的妈祖信仰。据说明代郑和下西洋,在船上便是祀奉妈祖 ,凡遇海上风涛险阻,他便祈求妈祖,立即感应如响,马上化险为夷(参看《通番记》)。从宋历元到明朝,历代朝廷都对她很重视。北宋宣和年间,朝廷赐以庙额,从夫人封起到圣妃,元代册为护国天妃。清代康熙年间,加封天后圣母,以後仍然历加封号 ,截止同治11年 ,封号多至70个字,是神明中封号最多也最长的一个。天后的信仰实际是起於民间的,朝廷的封赠固然提高了她的地位,但民间仍然以自己的理解和情感去崇拜她。福建人仍称她为妈祖(据说是对没出嫁的长辈姑娘的称呼)。新加坡有很多供奉妈祖的庙宇,百多年前,祖先们南来拓荒,为祈求平安顺利,都祀奉妈祖天后,是新加坡最早供奉的华族神明。新加坡开埠以后,南来的华人日益增多,因而奉祀者也随之增加。而今,妈祖信仰已遍佈全世界,天后宫已是所有华人民族精神的一个象徵 。



媽祖 (韓寶儀主唱)


Mazu and Mazu Culture

Over 1,000 years ago, a beautiful young girl by the name of Lin Mu was born at the Xianliang Port of Meizhou Bay in Putian, Fujian Province. Clever, brave and kind-hearted, Lin Mu could forecast the weather and was happy to help fishermen in distress at sea. She encouraged the people to conquer nature and defeat evil, so she was much loved and esteemed by the people in her hometown. Unfortunately she died an early death at only 28. As the legend goes, she ascended to heaven and became an immortal at Meizhou Bay located opposite to the Xianliang Port.

For more over 1,000 years, she has been living, with a composed and tender smile, in the hearts of the people. The people pay homage to her, respectfully calling her fairy, the daughter of dragon, goddness, the mother or Mazu ( a title of respect for an aged woman): rulers of past dynasties upheld her and granted her the titles of "Lady", "Heavenly Queen" and "Holy Mother"; the times have bestowed her a series of loveable and respected names such as "Goddess of the Sea", "Goddness of the the Straits" and "Goddess of Peace of the Straits".
She is none other than the world-renowned Mazu, goddess of the sea, of Fujian, China.
The respect for Mazu has turned into a wide-spread belief with the passage of time. Following the footprints of sea merchants and overseas Chinese, Mazu went out of Putian, out of Fujian and out of China, making her presence in many corners of Asia, America, Australia and Europe. Consequently, over 1,500 Mazu temples are found all over the world, where Muzu from Meizhou are consecrated. The belief in Mazu has become a sort of transnational folk belief with more than 100 million worshippers. However, different from a religion in the ordinary sense, is a special kind of ideology connected with theology, religion, folklore, sociology as well as the history of sea commnication overseas Chinese, culture and the development of Fujian and Taiwan. This is the culture of Mazu which has aroused an extensive interest and great attention of Chinese and foreign scholars and is now under integral part of the culture of the Chinese nation and a part of the brilliant civilization of China.

In recent years, there are a number of academic groups, experts and scholars working on research of Mazu and published special works on the subject in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions and in such countries as Japan, the United States, France, Singapore and Malaysia. The research on the Mazu culture has a great appeal and cohesive force to the Chinese both at home and abroad. Now the achievements in the research on the Mazu culture have become valuable material in the research on the history of navigation, science, overseas Chinese, development of off-shore islands and economic and cultural exchanges with foreign countries as well as the history of folklore and religion of ancient China.

在新加坡追寻天后圣母妈祖的足迹(Mazu @ Singapore)



天福宫(Tian Hock Keng)158 Telok Ayer Street

粤海清庙 (Wak Hai Cheng Beo)30B Philip Street

琼州天后宫 (Hainan Hui Guan) 47 Beach Road

福州会馆 (Fu Zuo Clay Association)
21 Tyrwhitt Road

林氏大宗祠九龙堂家族自治会 239 Cantonment Road

新加坡潮州西河公会 285 River Valley Road

云峰天后庙 (Yun Feng Tian Hou Miao) 8a Ang Mo Kio Street 44

星洲金榜山亭天后宫 (Kampong San Teng Tien How Assn) 99 Sim Ming Ind Estate Sector B

保赤宫(陈氏宗祠)15 Magazine Rd

新加坡三和会馆 409 Jalan Besar

南洋莆田会馆 兴安天后宫 25 Geylang Road

木山圣母宫(Bak Sua Siah Boon Temple) 21 Bangkit Rd

圣母宫 Blk 95 Henderson Road

廣應宫 (Guang Ying Gong) Bt Purmei

金合发联谊社 (Jin He Fa Lian Yi She) Upp Hokkien Street

圣莲宫 (Sheng Lian Gong) Telok Blangah Cres

济正堂 (Ji Zeng Tang) Blk 159 Ang Mo Kio

西河别墅(Sai Ho Piat Su)777 Upp S'goon Rd

半港天后宫(Ban Kang )80 Rivervale Crescent Sengkang New Town

慈悲妈祖宫 (Ci Bei Ma Zu Gong) Blk 116 Pending Rd

后港万天府 (Wan Tian Fu) Blk 686 Hougang St 61

灵慈行宫(Ling Ci Xing Gong) 53 Truro Road

善德宫(Shun De Gong) Geylang Lor 29

天后庙 (Tian Hou Miao) Geylang Bahru

善兴坛 (Shan Xing Tan) 蔡厝港联合殿

钟头宫 (Zhong Tou Gong) 109C Hougang Ave 5

天德圣庙 (Tian De Sheng Miao)

吉山庙 (Ji Shan Miao)

紫云开吉宫 (Zi Yun Kai Ji Gong)

勇义宫 (Yong Yi Gong) 1116A Serangoon Rd

善莲堂 (Shang Lian Tang) 28 Admiralty Street

玉皇殿(Jade Emperor Temple ) Havelock Road

汕头社天后庙(Swatow Sia Mazu Temple)5 Geylang Lorong 40











妈祖灵签 有求必应 心诚则灵

妈祖灵签 有求必应 心诚则灵




